Golf is starting to see a larger group of women starting to play the game. Up from just 16% a decade ago, women’s golf participation has increased to 24% of the entire golfing population as of 2017.

In order to get the participation rates closer to that of the actual population, there are some things that we can do to appeal to the female demographic and make golf a much more interesting and enjoyable experience for the ladies as well.


One of the biggest turn offs for women coming to the golf course is that they had an experience with a dingy, unclean golf course.

Let’s face it, we live in a Purell type of society and if you can not keep your facility clean enough to safely eat a sandwich at, there is a good chance that you are not going to see a growth of female golfers racing through your front door. If they do, they will not be back. 

Taking the time to thoroughly clean your facility, golf carts, and restrooms can turn a germ filled disgusting experience into a great day outdoors.

That being said. RESTROOMS need to be spotless! I know that guys can go to the bathroom in some of the most questionable of situations but FEMALES WILL NOT! Take the time to clean these bathrooms like you were trying to impress someone because guess what…you are! Those extra minutes that you spend cleaning up is a happy and potentially lifelong golfer at your facility.


I see a lot of these get started and end quickly after the first few due to poor participation. The reason that the participation falls off is because we focus on the wrong things when we run these events. 

It is important to work on skill development but it is much more important to push the social experience of the clinic. It’s not all about turning these ladies into the next Annika Sorenstam. Women’s clinics are about developing friendships with other likeminded ladies that would like to get out on the course and probably are looking for a few other ladies to do the same.

WINE AT THE GOLF COURSE…(enough said.)

Adding wine before the clinic in a social hour setting might draw more people, connect groups for play as their skills progress, and build some lifelong friendships.

To this day, I still see people that I connected socially when I was running a clinic that are best friends for years! Do not pass up the chance to connect these ladies.

In addition, a great place to do just that is opposite a junior golf clinic. By extending the junior clinic by an hour, you could either run a clinic for parents or a 9 hole group of junior parents. All of these people have the same ideals when it comes to golf and family. They want their children to play golf and, with a little help from you, they might turn it into a family experience. When you can build a family experience, it DOES last a lifetime.

Expand your reach to Executive Clinics. Another reason women want to play golf is to be able to talk about golf when it comes up at work. By providing Executive Clinics you can not only work on networking and skill development, you can also teach the lingo of the game and provide them the tools they need to be a part of the conversation. With a strong lingo and some developing skills, these women will be invited to if not inviting people to play in pro-am with colleagues and expanding their reach in the business place.

Start a women’s group (or encourage growth!)

Ladies that join a women’s group at the club start to become a more loyal and dedicated patron to your facility. If you can provide an experience that they would like to be a part of enough to join a women’s group, they are definitely telling everyone that they know about it. DO NOT let this opportunity slip by.

 Make sure that you have women’s golf merchandise in your pro shop. There is nothing more uncomfortable than going into a store that doesn’t sell anything for you. For men, when was the last time that you went into a women’s clothing store and felt at home? Did you want to go back?

The same is true for a golf shop that alienates women. Whether or not they purchase anything every time is irrelevant. It will make them comfortable to walk in, look around, and spend time at the facility.

When your superintendent sets up the course, make sure that it is female friendly. I have played many rounds with my wife (who is a scratch golfer from the men’s tees) and the course is designed for men with a tee box further up for women. However, it makes the ladies lay up with an iron or they go into a penalty area (that’s what it’s called now, right?). Then they are faced with a 3 wood or hybrid shot to the green when the men are hitting driver to the landing area and mid iron to the green. Sadly, she still beats me on the course regularly. (I admit it.)

Check out #inviteHER for some amazing content on how to make women more comfortable when trying to try or rejoin the game. The insight that you find her might change the lives of some great golf advocates.

Please feel free to leave a comment with ideas that you might have to expand the reach of female golfers.