That’s right!

As we start 2019, we also need to make sure that the message that we are putting out into the INTERWEBS is consistent with our brand and purpose.

There are hundreds of golf courses that make a ‘website’ and never touch it again. There is some generic information about the business and a contact us page that might or might not go to someone that still works for the company. This is NOT what a website is supposed to be in 2019. It is a channel for revenue.

After looking through 50 websites in preparation for this week’s theme, I came across a lot of issues that get overlooked by a lot of golf courses.

I have narrowed the blog/podcast to just 5 things:

  1. Horrible looking websites.
    1. Website needs to SPARK interest in potential customers.
    2. Choose website developers that understand how to make customers want to come to your facilities. Create an experience!
    3. Connect with your site visitors. Create weekly blogs that provide value to your customer. Utilize an online store, offering convenience to their shopping experience. Offer an email list sign up that provides more than just ads.
    4. PHOTOS that inspire people to take action. I have seen some stock photos that are so generic that it does nothing for building a brand. Step up your quality in this area and you will see engagement go through the roof.
  2. Google will search your site for the information that customers are looking for.
    1. Make sure that you have information that is up to date and relevant. Out of date calendars, signups for tournaments that happened a year ago will not only turn your customer away but it will lower your ranking in organic google search.
  3. Update your online store
    1. IF you have an online store, make sure that you are offering things that you actually have! If you do not list your product in your online store, customers DO NOT THINK YOU OFFER IT!
    2. Offer a discount to pick it up at the store. Whether that is an actual discount or just promoting no shipping cost, having people pick up in store teases the opportunity for additional sales or services while they are there.
  4. Email newsletters need to provide value! As stated above, an email can gain greater open rates and engagement if you provide something that the receiver of the email is interested in. Ads and events do not always excite everyone to open the email, but something that can help the person in some way might incentivize them enough to open it up.