It is sometimes just a small thing here, or a tweak there that can completely change the customer’s experience when they visit your business.

Businesses that are service based(and let’s face it, most brick and mortar are now), it is important that you are projecting the experience that you want the customers to have when they visit your establishment.

The “servicescape”of a business give you the opportunity to set yourself up for success. By definition, a servicescape relates to the style and appearance of the physical surroundings and other experiential elements encountered by customers at service delivery sites. It is uncanny how customers can recall most of the small details of entering your businesses. Anything from the smell of cookies or burgers to an overflowing trash can that looks like it hasn’t been touched for days.

For example, when you go to a spa for a massage, when you walk in the door it is quiet with a soft music and potentially some water trickling in the background. As they take you back, the rooms are mostly minimalistic with multiple with a massage table and cabinet for towels and a hot rock steamer on the counter. The room is slightly warmer and has some soft tranquil music being played during the service.massage-table

Now imagine the same masseuse for the service but you’re outside with 7-10 tables all lined up and it’s 40 degrees. There is hammering and construction going on next door. Hundreds of people walking by as you are getting worked on. outside massage.jpeg

Completely different experience, right?

So as you can see, servicescapes can really set the tone for the experience. Presenting a  servicescape that customers expect from your facility is a great start to the overall experience for them.

The difficulty for most employees is that they tend to see the business everyday. Things start to BLEND into the background and start to get overlooked.  Things start to pile up, posters stay up too long, and things get pushed to a corner.

For a customer, they notice if the poster is advertising something that ended a month ago. They can see that pile of trash on the corner table or dust that has built up on the mannequin.


Go to a store or business that you have never been to before. From the moment that you pull into the parking area, NOTICE.

NOTICE- the landscaping, pavement, the door/ door handle.

NOTICE- the smells, the noise, the lighting.

NOTICE- the cleanliness, the attention to detail, the signage.

Now realize that you have made a LOT of judgements about this business before you have even talked to anyone about the service.

HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE DOING THE SAME THING FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Are you on the positive or negative side of their judgements?

Use this check-up on your facilities as often as you can. It is amazing how quickly a great servicescape can enhance the customer’s experience and increase their patronage.